What is the mystery of Patanjali?
Recently I attended a marketing conference. Most of the 'who is who' of marketing academics in India were there, and every meeting formal or informal finally lead to Patanjali. There were many scholastic opinions shared. Some emphasized the celebrity endorsement effect of Baba Ramdev, the most visible, iconic brand ambassador. Some argued that the emerging trend of patriotic fervor, some touched upon the emerging Hindu nationalism and Patanjali riding on the same trend that brought BJP to power . Some pointed out the health and fitness concern and back to nature and natural being good and related the same to a global trend. The political academic saw a hidden agenda and concerted right wing attempt and Government support and subsidy behind the success of Patanjali. There were those who eloquently spoke on their go-to -market strategy and umbrella branding. May be they are all right, but beyond all these , Patnajali is providing a compelling value-for-money proposi